Transparent Hope

Mental illness impacts one out of five* families each year, yet few are willing to expose the anguish and tumult they face daily. For friends watching the chaos surrounding such struggles and wanting to understand, Sparks of Redemptive Grace and 31 days 31 ways 2 pray 4 families Prayer Guide, will open your eyes not only to the family’s needs, but also to the presence of God in their midst. For clergy and counselors looking for resources to support families in crisis, these resources offer comforting truths about God’s very real presence in times of trouble.

Informational, devotional, educational and inspirational, Sparks of Redemptive Grace, provides an authentic view of one family’s transparent hope in God’s unfailing love, hewn in the fires of fear and faith. For those whose loved one struggles with mental illness, you will find that Catherine P. Downing has told your own story with sincerity and humility. She reminds you of the light of God’s goodness that the darkness of mental illness cannot overcome.

31 days 31 ways 2 pray 4 families Prayer Guide provides practical and very real topics for daily intercession on behalf of families who walk alongside their loved ones in the labyrinths of mental illnesses.


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*National Alliance on Mental Illness